Sarah Still

Find your Space: Observational Astronomer

Find your space: Dr Sarah Casewell

Dr Sarah Casewell is an STFC Ernest Rutherford Research Fellow & Lecturer at the University of Leicester. Sarah is an Observational Astronomer, where she goes around the world to use telescopes and take images and spectra of mainly stars and exoplanets. Sarah then analyses the data, looking at the images and finding out what these images might tell us about the stars.


"It's really an interesting time to get involved because there will be jobs within the space industry we don't even know we need yet, as the space ports launch, we are looking for more commercial satellites to be created and built at places around the country. It's a really exciting time to get involved."

Quick fire questions

What are your favourite and worst parts of your job?

How long did it take to become qualified to do your job?

What is the most difficult part of your job?

Which woman or women have most inspired you in your career?

Example questions for group discussion:

What do you think are the best parts of this job role?

Do you think this role will have an important role in the future?

Is there anything from the video that made you think that this role could be for you?
