David Still

Find your Space: Space Educator General Manager

Find your space: David Wilkinson

David is the National Space Academy's General Manager. In this video David answers questions and shares insights into his job. He explores why he chose this role and his journey along the way. David talks about his childhood and how he was inspired by things such as stargazing. David talks about changing careers and explains that this can be done at any stage in your life.


"If you do a science you do not have to have one career for your entire life, you can have multiple different ones and just be ready to seize the opportunities and take them"

Quick fire questions

Who are some of the coolest people you've had the opportunity to meet?

What's the most difficult part of your job?

What's your favourite mission?

Example questions for group discussion:

What do you think could be another difficult part of this job?

Is this career role something that interests you?

What are your favourites space missions?
