Steffan Tudor

"Every person must wonder about space, time, the universe, what's out there, who we are and where we came from. People of all ages find space fascinating and it's a priviilidge to share expereinces with pupils of all ages who want to learn more about the cosmos."
The first welsh teacher to attend the 3 week International Physics Teachers Course at CERN, Geneva.
Attended the COSPAR 2022 confernece for teachers in Athens.
At work
I'm Head of Physics and Astronomy at Ysgol Glan Clwyd which is a welsh medium secondary school in North Wales. I'm passionate about welsh language education and am currently working hard on translating Space Academy material into welsh so we can offer all our activities in welsh. I will be presenting mastercasses at the National Urdd Eisteddfod in Meifod this year with my colleage Sarah Llywellyn Davies. I will be co presenting the first Space Camp run by the Academy at the University of South Wales in June 2024.
Break time...
I'm a committee member of our local rugby team in Rhuthun where I have coached a team from Under 6 to Under 18s. My three children are keen rugby players and I'm looking forward to supporting them play from now on! I enjoy welsh poetry and help organise poetry evenings locally. I'm a member of a welsh male voice choir and enjoy playing football and cycling.
Given the chance, would you go to space?
It would be a thrill to be up in space, but I'm very aware of the difficult questions space travel has to answer with regard to energy and reource usage and the impact on the planet that fuels have. If there was a sustainable way of getting into space I'd be the first in the queue!
What's the best thing about science?
To wonder.
What's the best thing about working at the National Space Academy?
Learning about the latest research into space. Meeting people who work at the frontier of knowledge. Inspiring the next generation to learn more about space and to dream about a future in space in some shape or form.