Sarah Llewellyn-Davies

Sarah Llewellyn Davies

Sarah began teaching in 1990 and is based at Castell Alun High School, a large secondary comprehensive in the rural village of Hope, North East Wales.

She teaches primarily GCSE and A Level Chemistry (along with KS3 science) and is also Subject Leader for Astronomy, currently delivering the GCSE Astronomy course as a More Able and Talented extra-curricular option.

Sarah is passionate about the enhancement of teaching and learning within the sciences (and other STEM subjects) through the theme of space. She has been closely involved with the Space Education community, (including the National Schools Observatory and Faulkes Telescope Project) for the last six years. Through this, Sarah has organized and delivered workshops and events to do with astronomy and space, to students and teachers from her Consortium primary and secondary schools and the wider community, including the general public.

Sarah and her school were the pilot in the STFC funded 'Astroschools' network, which has led to her participation in nationwide online support groups for Space education. Her students were filmed for the production of the joint IOP/Teachers' TV programme 'Teaching Astronomy and Space'.

Sarah was awarded the Patrick Moore Medal for Education in 2015. 

"In my opinion, it would be very hard to find a more thrilling way to engage students than by applying their knowledge and understanding of scientific principles to explain some of the wonders of the Universe."