Leanne Hawthorne

Leanne studied English Literature, Music and Physics at A-Level, before studying Physics at Brunel University and gaining Qualified Teaching Status at The University of Reading. She also has an MSc from The University of Oxford in Teacher Education.
Leanne loves harnessing the passion that young people have for space and using it to teach other aspects of science. The intrigue and desire to know more is what science is all about!
Boards, memberships and awards
Teacher Network Co-ordinator, Institute of Physics, Northern Ireland
Selected as a Leading Science Teacher in Oxfordshire between 2001 and 2004.
Leanne was recently given Recognition of Excellence in STEM Teaching and Learning – (2022-2023) by STEM Learning UK for her work with primary schools promoting science for pupils transitioning to secondary education.
At work...
Leanne started her teaching career in 2001. She currently teaches Physics in Northern Ireland.
Leanne is also part of a UK team who will be bringing their innovative teaching techniques to the Science on Stage 2024 festival in Finland.
"Having witnessed some incredible changes and developments in Space Science during my lifetime I am excited to be a small part of the education of future generations for the exciting times ahead."
Break time...
Leanne plays competitive rugby for her local team and enjoys coaching young players in after-school clubs.
We asked Leanne...
Given the chance, would you go to space?
I'd love to, but the fact I get nauseous on the tea cup rides makes me think it may not be sensible.
What's the best thing about science?
Being able to share my excitement for discovery with young adults and children.
What's the best thing about working at the National Space Academy?
Being able to share ideas with like minded Educators and discovering what works well. The access to specialist equipment and resources which we can share with other schools is a fantastic benefit for everyone too.