Leanne Hawthorne

Leanne Hawthorne

Leanne studied Physics, Chemistry, English Literature and Music at A Level. She then went on to study for a BSc (Hons) in Physics at Brunel University.

She also has an MSc in Science Teacher Education from the University of Oxford.

Boards, memberships and awards
Teacher Network Co-ordinator, Institute of Physics, Northern Ireland
Selected as a Leading Science Teacher in Oxfordshire between 2001 and 2004.

At work...
Leanne started her teaching career in 2001. She currently teaches Physics in Northern Ireland.

"Having witnessed some incredible changes and developments in Space Science during my lifetime I am excited to be a small part of the education of future generations for the exciting times ahead."

Break time...
Leanne played representative rugby at county level and is still a huge rugby fan.

We asked Leanne...

Given the chance, would you go to space?
Yes .... no hesitation, except I get a bit travel sick on rollercoasters

What's the best thing about science?
There is always something to learn.

What's the best thing about working at the National Space Academy?
Sharing all the things I love about Science with other people.