Jenny Gostick

Jenny Gostick

“Space offers an exciting and engaging context for learning to inspire students”

Jenny’s love of space and science began at a young age, and it was no surprise that she studied Maths, Physics and Chemistry at A-Level, followed by a BSc in Chemical Physics. She spent the early part of her career in manufacturing, during which time she took a Fellowship in Aerospace Manufacture, an MSc in Management and won a Training and Enterprise Council Award for her work on an industry training program. After completing a PGCE she has spent the last 12 years enthusing students with her teaching of science and engagement in STEM activities. She is currently KS3 Science Lead and STEM coordinator for a school in Hertfordshire.

Break time...
In her spare time Jenny can be found outdoors on a walk or leisurely cycle.

Given the chance, would you go to space?

What's the best thing about science?
It is continually evolving!

What's the best thing about working at the National Space Academy?

Working with an amazing team of experts.