Emily Coulson

Emily Coulson

''I am delighted to have the opportunity to bring the marvels of the cosmos closer to students, making sense of the universe's grandeur for eager learners.''

Emily studied Physics, Maths and Biology at A-Level, before studying Physics with Astrophysics BSc Hons and gaining Qualified Teaching Status at the University of Leicester.

At work...

I am currently working as a Lead Practitioner at a secondary school in Leicestershire, this role involves me working with teachers to develop their pedagogy and practice.  I am also in charge of extra-curricular activities and STEAM at my school.

Break time...

Outside of work I enjoy crafting, specifically crochet, I make lots of little projects to give as rewards to my students.  I also have an interest in esports, professional gaming, and have even built an esports arena at my school.

Given the chance, would you go to space?

When I was at school I wanted to be an astronaut, and would have loved the opportunity to go into space. Unfortunately I wasn't given enough career advice on how to fulfil this ambition and it did not manifest for me.  I would love to see the fragile globe of the Earth resting in its orbit from space, but now that I am older I do not think I would have the courage to do it.  It would be amazing if someone I taught got the opportunity to though.

What's the best thing about working at the National Space Academy?

The best thing about working for the National Space Academy as a Space Advocate is meeting such a wide variety of young people and giving them the information they need to enter a career in the space industry.