Eleanor Edwards

Eleanor Edwards

Eleanor chose Biology, Physics and Maths at A Level before studying for a BSc (Hons) in Biological Sciences at Queen's University, Belfast.

Boards, memberships and awards
Council member and Schools and Education Officer, Irish Astronomical Association

At work...
Eleanor completed the Open University Flexible PGCE in Science in 2010 whilst working as a science technician in Glenlola Collegiate School, where she also ran the school Astronomy Club.

Eleanor is currently Teacher in Charge of Biology at Belfast High School, where she also teaches A Level Biology, GCSE Astronomy, Biology and Single Award.

Break time...
"I'm a runner and enjoy completing half marathons such as the great North Run."

We asked Eleanor...

Given the chance, would you go to space?
Yes. That's it, just YES!

What's the best thing about science?
The potential it has to solve the problems facing the world today and to make our lives even better than they are already.

What's the best thing about working at the National Space Academy?
The chance to reach out beyond my own school and share my passion for all sciences with other young people and other teachers.