Dorian Pascoe
Dorian studied Mathematics and Physics at A-level, before studying Physics with Planetary and Space Physics MPhys (Hons) and gaining Qualified Teaching Status at University. Dorian completed his Masters studies, focusing on radar diagnostics of space plasmas using the EISCAT radars, in the high arctic, at the University of Norway in Svalbard (UNIS). In addition to almost two decades working in secondary education, Dorian has held numerous roles with the Institute of Physics, STEM learning, BBC bitesize and other educational and professional establishments.
At work...
Dorian frequently works with numerous secondary schools teaching physics, training teachers and technicians, producing educational resources, and providing educational consultancy.
Break time...
Dorian is a keen mountain biker, snowboarder, and martial artist. He also enjoys reading extensively about space, science, mathematics, computing and many other topics.
Given the chance, would you go to space?
I would love to go to space, if the opportunity arose!
What's the best thing about science?
Science helps us to understand the world around us, including many incredible natural and scientific phenomena - and helps us to develop useful, transferable analytical and mathematical skills.
What's the best thing about working at the National Space Academy?
Working at the National Space Academy is amazing, because I get to spend time with some of the best educational practitioners and educational/scientific establishments in the country. The opportunities to share great teaching practice, incredible demonstrations, engaging practical activities and more is invaluable - and ensures I am continually learning, and developing my practice!