Alaric Thompson

Alaric Thompson

Learning about space offers opportunities to ask and sometimes answer some of the biggest questions in science but space technology can also help to make everyone's everyday lives better. 

Alaric has had a keen interest in astronomy from the age of 10 and studied physics with astrophysics at Edinburgh University. He has been teaching physics for nearly 25 years and has always especially enjoyed combining his love of space with his love of teaching.

I have  worked with the Institute of Physics, Association for Science Education and Ogden Trust as well as teaching in Secondary Schools, and gained Chartered Science Teacher status in 2014

At work...
I am currently working as a private tutor as well as a Senior Examiner. I'm also working to arrange internships for sixth form students as part of the Ogden Trust Coastal Energy Programme.

Break time...
I'd like to say I play the bass guitar in my spare time but 'play' is a bit of an exaggeration.

We asked Alaric...

Given the chance, would you go to space?
I'd love to be in space but I'm not sure about the ride there.

What's the best thing about science?
Science helps us to explain the myriad incredible things in the world around us. For the things we can't yet explain, the journey that science takes us on is really exciting. 

What's the best thing about working at the National Space Academy?
The many new students that I meet, their enthusiasm and the brilliant questions they ask.