190131 Highgate School Physics Masterclass 095 Crop

How to apply

  • 25th May 2019

We have a number of school places left on our Ogden Trust funded physics masterclasses. 

These one day Physics masterclasses for 14 - 19 year olds are almost entirely funded for schools in England with at least 13% of students registered for free school meals. 

Our full day Physics masterclasses are led by our expert team of Lead Educators. A Lead Educator will visit your school and spend the day with students; using hands-on activities and experiments to help students explore forces, gravity, the electromagnetic spectrum, pressure, astronomy and more. Mars, comets, human spaceflight, and rockets can all be used to engage students with the curriculum and to inspire them with the role physics and physicists have played in our understanding of space. Each masterclass is different, and built to ensure your students get the most out of the session.

190131 Highgate School Physics Masterclass 095 Crop

Elgibility and important information

  • To qualify for the funding your school must have at least 13% of students at the school registered for free school meals
  • The school must be in England
  • The funding is for one full day Physics masterclass only, delivered to one group of students from the same year group. Multiple hour sessions are not eligible.
  • One full day typically runs from 09:00 - 15:00
    If you are interested in half day or multiple one hour masterclasses, or interested in visiting the National Space Centre, please look at our non funded options here, and the price list here
  • Your school will need to provide an appropriate classroom or laboratory space
  • A teacher from the school must be present throughout the session
  • The funding covers £450 (incl VAT) which means that your school will only pay £6 + the cost of travel for the Lead Educator delivering the session.
  • Ogden Trust funded Masterclasses are subject to the National Space Academy's usual terms and conditions. These will supplied on receipt of an application
  • Each school may only apply once for the Ogden Trust Masterclass each academic year
  • Teachers and students will be asked to complete an evaluation form 
190131 Highgate School Physics Masterclass 040 Crop

How to apply

You will need...

  • Your school's pupil premium percentage
  • A preferred date for the masterclass to take place
  • Number of students and age group of students taking part
  • Any special requirements
  • School details, i.e. address etc 

Apply now