
Since launching in 2008 we have engaged with tens of thousands of students, teachers and space industry professionals.

We are excited to be able to offer a number of bespoke packages while still steering towards our core mission of engaging students and teachers in the sciences, using the inspirational context of space.

We started in Leicester and now deliver all over the world thanks to our outstanding subject specialist teachers and Core Team.

All the funds we receive to run our programmes and masterclasses go back into the National Space Academy. Thank you for helping us to educate the next generation of scientists and engineers!

What we offer

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    Consult our experts

    Our specialist team can provide:

    • Support on space science and teaching for resources, activities, and policy creation
    • Expert advice on STEM related strategies and solutions
    • Guidance and support throughout the life-cycle of your STEM project

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    Corporate speakers & events

    Inspire your audience with a talk or keynote speech from one of our range of expert speakers.

    We can provide talks on a variety of STEM and space science topics, tailored to your event or occasion.

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    And much more...

    • Outreach Opportunities

    • Training and Development

    • Support at Conferences

Talk to us

Our packages are completely bespoke: tailored to your needs, aspirations and goals. If you'd like to discuss what the National Space Academy can offer you, please get in touch.

Contact Us

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Support us

We are supported by a number of organisations who are interested in education, the space sector or both.

If you would like to help make some of our projects possible, partner with us to offer guidance, facilities and resources or support us with expertise and insight, then please do get in touch.

Contact Us