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We Are Aliens Teacher Resources Available Online

  • 25th Mar 2013

We Are Aliens, the latest planetarium show produced by the National Space Centre's in house designers and animators at NSC Creative, was launched towards the end of 2012.  Alongside the development of the show, NSC Creative worked with National Space Academy Lead Educators to develop classroom resources, including video clips of experiments, based around the science of We Are Aliens.  These resources for physics, chemistry and biology are all available online.

 The We Are Aliens show, narrated by Rupert Grint, focuses on the possibility of there being life elsewhere in the universe, and the science used in searching for it.  Funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), the show introduces concepts such as the "Goldilocks Zone" for habitable planets, the field of astrobiology, and the search for exoplanets, in a well informed and charming way.

The search for extraterrestrial life is a fascinating context in which to approach a number of science topics, and so there are resources available for physics, developed by Project Director Anu Ojha; for chemistry, developed by Judith Green and Steve Althorpe; and for biology, developed by Chris Carr.

The We Are Aliens planetarium show can be seen at the National Space Centre in Leicester and more information about NSC Creative and their work is available here.