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Spaced-up summer fun!

  • 21st Jul 2023
  • Author: Grace Davis

For secondary students across the UK, school is either out for summer or soon to be! But that doesn't mean we have to stop learning about space - read on for some summer fun space inspiration for youth groups, activity clubs or home use...

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1. Dive into our resources

We've got a massive haul of science resources on our website, many of which are free to use in youth groups, summer clubs or at home. Why not check out our ESA: Teach with Space video series which showcases a variety of exciting space-related experiments?

Perhaps your imagination will be sparked by Astro Academy: Principia, a unique science education programme featuring demonstrations conducted by Tim Peake aboard the International Space Station?

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2. Go on a voyage of discovery

The Association for Science and Discovery Centres' website is the place to go for a guide to some fantastic science centres across the UK (including the National Space Centre!). Many of these will be running special summer activities to help you get even more scienced up, so do keep an eye on their events pages!

Have a look at what's on near you - or if you're going on holiday in the UK this summer, this could be the perfect chance to check out something a little further afield.

Find the ASDC network of centres here.

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3. Try a spot of star gazing

Step 1: look up! Ok, so there's a fair bit more to astronomy than that, but it's a good starting point. There's no need for expensive kit or vast knowledge to get into astronomy either, simply begin by finding a good vantage point near you and seeing what you can see! 

Our Lead Educator Hayley's video guide to the July night sky is a great way to find out more about what's going on above us this month, and don't forget to check out our August guide, coming soon!

To find out what's happening in space this month, don't forget to check out our recent blog post by NSC Space Expert Dhara!

If you're interested in capturing what you see in the skies, then you might want to try some astrophotography. The BBC Sky at Night has a great guide to getting stuck into this - and plenty of great images can be captured with smartphones or whatever camera you have!