Beijing Space Summer School July 2018 97 SMALL 2021 10 04 140650 Xpci

Science has no borders - Space Summer School in Beijing

  • 13th Aug 2018


Some of the team flew out to Beijing on 21st July to deliver space science education to 70 students aged 12 - 17 and their teachers from all over China.

The programme is part of the Sino-UK Centre for Space Education and Space Culture. This virtual centre was set up to encourage international collaboration and build the relationship between the UK and China.

During the opening ceremony for the Space Science Summer School Alasdair Hamilton, First Secretary and Head of the Science and Innovation Team at the British Embassy in Beijing, said; "we are using education to make our relationship better, which is a great thing."

Beijing Space Summer School July - British Embassy

 He stressed the importance of collaboration and trust in both science and education and said that "we must understand the importance of enjoying science and see that science has no borders."

Beijing Space Summer School July - Chris Carr


Thousands of students applied to attend the summer school. Chris Carr is a Lead Educator for the National Space Academy and Network Educational Lead with STEM learning and uses space context to explore biology: "It was an honour to be invited to take part in the summer school; what struck me was the enthusiasm of all involved and the universal appeal of space science regardless of nationality. After an initial period of shyness, the students soon involved themselves fully in the lessons and it was apparent that the natural curiosity we all share about science would overcome any language barriers." 

Dr Chun Keat Yew is based at the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of Hull. As well as presenting his own research to the students and teachers, Dr Yew translated for the duration of the programme. "I had an amazing week working in Beijing. I'm pleased to be able to contribute to an important programme that allows the UK and China to build relationships within Space Education. I had the opportunity to participate, observe, witness and contribute towards all areas of the summer school. It is important to keep science fun and interesting so that future generations continue to be enthusiastic and excited about it!"

Beijing Space Summer School July - Chun Keat Yew

Chun and Chris have both been involved with our work for a number of years. We have a team of Project Scientists and Lead Educators who use space science to teach school students and support teachers.

Of course the summer school was an in depth look at space science, and a chance to further explore the maths and physics behind space phenomena. More than that, it was an important step in international collaboration as China and the UK look at ways to work together in both the space and education sectors.

 The programme in Beijing was hosted and funded by Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications (BUPT). Our involvement was funded by the Global Partnership Fund from UK Science and Innovation Network (SIN).  The British Embassy in Beijing, Beihang University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China National Space Administration (CNSA) and China Satellite Launch and Tracking Control (CLTC) are all supporters of the Space Science Summer School.

If you are interested in working with the National Space Academy, in the UK or further afield, contact us here.

Beijing Space Summer School July - making comets