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Ian Taylor appointed Chairman of the National Space Academy Steering Group

  • 29th Oct 2012

Ian Taylor, a former MP and Minister for Science, Technology and Space, has been appointed chairman of the National Space Academy's Steering Group.


Ian was an MP for 23 years and Minister for Science, Technology and Space from 1994-1997. He was subsequently chairman of the Parliamentary Space Committee and the Parliamentary & Scientific Committee. In 2008, Ian gained the Sir Arthur Clarke Award for Individual Achievement in Promoting Space and Science.

He stood down from Parliament at the 2010 General Election in order to resume a business career. This includes the chairmanship of Living PlanIT SA, which is developing an innovative software operating system that connects urban devices, sensors and infrastructure to help make running a city more efficient and environmentally sustainable. He holds a number of other chairmanships and board positions in a range of corporate, research and charitable organisations. He is an independent council member of STFC.

Prof Sir Martin Sweeting, chairman of the National Space Centre's Board of Trustees, says, "Ian's appointment is a real coup for the National Space Centre. The National Space Academy has expanded rapidly in its first year, so Ian's political and business experience will be invaluable as we face the challenges of developing an extremely ambitious programme".

Ian Taylor comments, "I am excited to join an inspiring network of academics and business people working together to stimulate the next generation of scientists and engineers. This challenge is crucial for our nation. Joined up thinking is essential for such an ambitious programme, so I shall strive to galvanise the stakeholders and help fuel the growth of all industry sectors needing highly-skilled young people".