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Celebrating ten years of science education and inspiration using the context of space

  • 18th Oct 2018

Since launching in 2008 we've engaged with more than 50,000 students, nearly 6000 teachers and hundreds of industry professionals. We started in Leicester and now deliver all over the UK thanks to our amazing team of Lead Educators and Project Scientists. Not only that, but we've developed our relationships internationally too. We've worked closely with the European Space Agency and UK Space Agency. Education experiments we designed together were conducted on board the International Space Station, and we're working to support space education development in China, the UAE and Malaysia. This is just the beginning!

We wanted to thank everyone who has been involved in our journey so far, and share our exciting plans for the future with new friends.On Thursday 11th October we held an evening celebration at the National Space Centre, complete with a very special birthday cake (thanks Caker Maker!).

Anu Ojha OBE, Director of the National Space Academy, opened the evening after guests had enjoyed some space themed cocktails by the National Space Centre's rocket tower.

Anu highlighted that in 2008 we were a team of just five; now we are 37 strong with Lead Educators based all over the country. The future of the space industry lies with the next generation, Anu explained; we help lay the foundations.

Dr Kierann Shah, General Manager of the National Space Academy introduced alumni of our Space Engineering course.

As well as instigating a course in Salford, we have been delivering a Space Engineering course with Loughborough College for six years. It was great to hear about what some of the group are doing now.

Nigel Grainger travelled through stormy weather to reach us in Leicester. 

He's currently employed as a Stress Engineer with Airbus, following a Higher Apprenticeship with them which he began after the Space Engineering course.  Nigel spoke about his career path and how the Space Engineering course, and the teachers who ran it, have given him the confidence to get to where he is today.

 Mansi Joshi took to the stage next. 

Mansi is in her 4th year at the University of Hertfordshire studying Aerospace Engineering. Mansi requested to sit next to David Parker during dinner when she booked her place. Of course, we obliged. We're looking forward to seeing where Mansi's career takes her next.

Richard Jones was the last of the Space Engineering alumni to share his experiences. When I called Richard to check in with him about the event a few days before, he hadn't answered. He rang back later, brimming with excitement, having just completed his first flying lesson! Richard is studying Aerospace System Engineering with Pilot Studies. He spoke about the importance of grabbing opportunities to get the most out of life. He also name dropped a few astronauts he's met along his journey so far!