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ATV DVDs flown on ISS

  • 20th Nov 2014

The National Space Academy is extremely pleased to see the arrival of a commemorative box to the International Space Station.

 The box, flown on the final ATV (Automatic Transfer Vehicle) ATV-5, contains the master copies of the five ATV videos, written and presented by the National Space Academy for ESA Education.

Its arrival was confirmed in a photograph by ESA Astronaut Alexander Gerst; who returned to Earth on Sunday 9 November after a sixth month mission aboard the space station.

Each video includes an introduction to the vehicle namesake, explanations of key science concepts associated with that person and then finally how these apply to ATV operations.
   The themes are:


•             ATV1 Jules Verne – gravity, ballistics, gravity, multistage rocketry

•             ATV-2 Johannes Kepler – orbits, Kepler's Laws, simplified orbital mechanics, orbital reboost of ISS

•             ATV-3 Edoardo Amaldi – cosmic rays, solar weather and challenges of operating ATV in the space environment

•             ATV-4 Albert Einstein – special relativity, general relativity, time dilation, GPS and relativity

•             ATV-5 Georges Lemaitre – Doppler effect, spectroscopy, the expansion of the Universe, dark energy

The films are available directly on ESA's youtube channels and in the ESERO-UK collection:


ATV-1 Jules Verne - ballistics and multistage rocketry


ATV-2 Johannes Kepler - elliptical orbits, Kepler's laws and atmospheric drag

ATV-3 Edoardo Amaldi - cosmic rays and solar weather

ATV-4 Albert Einstein - special relativity, general relativity and GPS

ATV-5 Georges Lemaitre - spectroscopy, Doppler effect and Universal expansion

Judith Green , ESERO Space Ambassador and Physics teacher at Robert Smyth Academy, Leicestershire, has already used them with her students:

Just thought I'd let you know that I used your ATV Jules Verne film in my A2 physics lesson today. It was great, fitted the specification well and was very clearly explained - it's now in the scheme of work!